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SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

From renewed hostilities between Israel and Hamas to the tremendous suffering of civilians in Sudan.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

Ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Myanmar, Ethiopia and the Sahel.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

And that 2023 was the hottest year on record.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

Wildfires, drought and storms affected the lives of millions of people globally.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

These, and many other human rights crises and their consequences are not solvable by governments acting alone.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

But the international human rights framework the collection of rules states have agreed upon provides the roadmap to protect everyone’s dignity.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

We have seen what’s possible when people’s human rights are respected and protected.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

In June, following years of civil society pressure, the Japanese Parliament passed its first law to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people from “unfair discrimination.”

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

Brazil’s Supreme Court upheld all Indigenous peoples’ rights to their traditional lands.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

The ruling was a huge boost for Indigenous people in their fight to preserve their way of life.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

Despite the power of human rights to protect everyone’s dignity, the system of rules we rely on to deliver on that promise is under threat. 

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

Many countries quickly and justifiably condemned the attacks on October 7 by Hamas, but many others have been reserved in responding to the actions by the Israeli government in the collective punishment of civilians in Gaza.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

Meanwhile, armed conflict in Sudan has led to widespread abuses, but has attracted little international attention, while the people of Sudan continue to pay the highest price.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

This selective outrage leaves the impression that some lives matter more than others, which undermines faith in the idea that everyone’s human rights deserve protection.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

And when governments ignore their human rights commitments altogether, in the name of security or trade, when dealing with autocratic leaders, it can embolden those leaders to extend the reach of their repression.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

Civil society, courts, and human rights commissions are also increasingly under threat by governments that want to exercise power without constraints. 

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

And governments are increasingly using technology platforms to silence and censor critics.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

These threats underline that governments should urgently respect, protect and defend human rights to build thriving and inclusive societies.

SOUNDBITE: Tirana Hassan, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, 2024-01-03, New York (USA):

Upholding human rights consistently, across the board, no matter who the victims are or where the rights violations are being committed, is the only way to build the world we want to live in, where everyone’s dignity is respected and protected.                  


(紐約)- 人權觀察今天發表《2024世界人權報告》指出,2023年發生了近年來最嚴重的危機與挑戰,造成無數生命損失,而全球領導人未能在這一年中採取堅定立場捍衛人權。各國政府不應再參與交易外交,而應盡全力維護普世人權原則。


「我們賴以保護人權的國際體制正面臨威脅,世界各國領導人卻對普世人權原則遭到違反視而不見,」人權觀察執行長蒂拉娜・哈桑(Tirana Hassan)說。「每當有國家忽視這些全球公認的普世原則,就會有人付出代價,這種代價有時包括民眾的生命。」

人權觀察第34次發表世界人權報告,篇幅740頁,內容檢視全球100多個國家的人權現況。執行長蒂拉娜・哈桑(Tirana Hassan)在導言中表示:2023年是影響深遠的一年,不僅因為這一年發生的人權壓迫和戰爭暴行,也因為一些政府採取雙重標準和交易外交,導致被排除於交易外交在外者的權利遭受重大損害。但她說,也有些希望的徵象表明採取不同途徑是可能的,她並呼籲各國政府以一貫態度履行人權義務。 













3 月,國際刑事法院對俄羅斯總統普京及其兒童權利專員發出逮捕令,罪名是將烏克蘭被占領土上的兒童強轉移到俄羅斯的戰爭罪行。巴西最高法院維護了所有原住民族對其傳統土地的權利,這是防止亞馬遜森林遭砍伐的最有效屏障之一。



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